Chiropractic Adjustment
A gentle and effective technique, making it safe for the whole family.
Chiropractic is about optimizing your overall health by restoring the normal function within your nervous system. The nervous system controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system.
Dr. Melinda McKinney
BOOK NOWMyofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy
Myofascial Acoustic Compression is a non-invasive and innovative approach that effectively addresses various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. By reducing pain, inflammation, and muscle tension while promoting tissue healing and regeneration, this therapy enhances overall recovery. This cutting-edge treatment is applied to conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, rotator cuff injuries, knee pain, neuropathies and more.
Dr. Melinda McKinney
BOOK NOWCustom Orthotics
Dr. Melinda McKinney